Nisichawayasihk (Nelson House) Personal Care Home
Area of Service
Northern Region
LTCAM Member Since
Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home is a fully accredited, non profit organization. it is located 79 kilometers North of Thompson in Nelson House. Nisichawayasihk is funded through INAC and FNIHB. Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home's goal is to provide a home like experience for all of their residents.
Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home is a 24-bed facility. 1 of the 24 beds is a respite bed for short-term care. All rooms are singly occupied with a private bathroom. There are 2 wings; the blue wing and the burgundy wing. Nisichawayasihk provides a spacious dining area where all the residents eat together. There is also a T.V room, an activity room and 3 bathing rooms. Nisichawayasihk also has daily activities, physiotherapy, spiritual care, and a monthly visit from the dietician.
Rent:For information on rent and services please call.
Public Contact
Jessie Horodecki