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Tache Pharmacy

Area of Service

Winnipeg Region

LTCAM Member Since


Since 1974 Tache Pharmacy has provided pharmaceutical care, consultative services, and medication distributive services to people living in community-based and institutional care settings.

We are Winnipeg’s “go to” pharmacy for solutions and hard to find items.

Our Pharmacists are specialists in Palliative Care, Chronic Pain Management, Diabetes, Asthma/COPD, Erectile Dysfunction and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Services also include: wound management, compliance packaging (Blister packs and PACMED), compounding, veterinary compounding, support stockings, ostomy supplies, nutritional products, continence and incontinence supplies and surgical supplies.

We have recently added a nurse practitioner to our client services as well as the most extensive medication packaging available in Winnipeg, utilizing Pac Med and Synmed robots.

Tache Pharmacy was awarded the Palliative Care contract for Grace Hospice due to our expertise in Pain management. Our compounding pharmacists are routinely called upon by Oncologists ,Palliative Doctors and Pain Clinic doctors for our advice and products to treat many palliative symptoms and chronic

pain conditions.

We are one of the busiest Compounding Pharmacies in Canada and we offer our expertise to any institution or patient that needs help .

*Free city wide prescription pickup and delivery*

*Free half hour parking while filling prescriptions*

Public Contact


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