Freedom In Home Medical Care
Area of Service
LTCAM Member Since
Freedom Inhome Medical was established with patient comfort and care in mind. Our practitioners specialize in Medical Housecalls at your home. Freedom Inhome Medical Care provides every service that is available within your family doctor office but in a non-rushed manner.
Services offered:
Rashes, wound care management
Homecare referrals
Urinary tract Infections
Pain management
Review of medications
Back Pain/Arthritis
Chronic care (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes)
Prescription refills
Blood work, Injections etc
Specialist’s referrals
Urgent care Matter
If you don’t want to go to Emergency Room, or sit in a walk in clinic for hours give us a call. To Book an appointment call: (204) 792-6616
All services are tax deductible.