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Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association

Area of Service

Winnipeg Region
Interlake Region
Northern Region
Southern Region
Prairie Mountain Region

LTCAM Member Since


Founded in 2010, the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA) is a not-for-profit, industry-funded organization whose membership includes beverage brand owners and distributors. CBCRA is committed to reaching the government-mandated target of recovering 75% of beverage containers sold in Manitoba. CBCRA implemented and operates the Recycle Everywhere program. Recycle Everywhere strives to educate Manitobans on beverage container recycling, and ensure that it is convenient to recycle empty beverage containers no matter where you live, work or play. Recycle Everywhere has partnered with communities, municipalities, schools, businesses, institutions, parks, festivals and events throughout MB to provide them with the best Recycle Everywhere bin for the space free of charge. Partners simply arrange for the collection of the recovered beverage containers with a recycler. Together with our partners, we are enabling new products to be made, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing litter in the streets and parks.

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